Sigh...I'm at the end of another day, and it's time to write on my blog. But what to talk about?
Today, I went on a walk with my children and we caught Pokémon and visited Pokestops in our neighborhood. Yes, I play Pokémon Go!, but I haven't played it everyday, though I have caught a Pokémon and spun a Pokestop everyday for the last 4 days. My daughter, the only one of my children not actually playing Pokémon Go!, said that it was a really fun walk. She was also the only one who brought a bicycle. Also today, we took a drive in the mountains. It was beautiful! We are planning on being off grid for about a week, to camp and visit family. Should be exciting! Well, that's it for today's musing, but I will be back to share more. Perhaps next week I will have some exciting stories to share with you all.
I'm not sure how many of you watched the keynote from Apple's WWDC earlier this month. I did...I love that stuff. I am really excited about a lot of things that they talked about, and I can't wait to try them out.
I'm not part of the Apple Developer program. I guess I'm too cheap to join. But Apple announced that the public will get to try out the new operating systems for iOS, Mac, and Apple TV. The problem is that they were really vague, they said it would be available later this month. So now, almost 20 days after they said that, it's still not out yet. So every day I've been checking to see if they've released it yet. Now, if I were to be completely honest, if you install the beta version, you are likely going to have a lot of bugs. Especially considering they won't be releasing the software until sometime in the fall. I am one of those people that doesn't care if my devices are a little buggy if I get to use the new features. When I get a chance to install the new operating systems, I'll give you the run down on my impressions. But for now, I'll just continue to quietly burst with excitement. I just can't wait much longer! For those of you who want to know when I think it will be released: next week is the last week of the month, so it has to come then. Also, it's likely going to be 22 days from the announcement, since that is what they did last year. So I'm guessing the 27th of this month. I found this in my drafts folder with nothing but the title you see above. I got my first 4th Gen Apple TV not long after they came out, for Christmas. Then I was given a second one for free. So I will try to give you my impressions after a year and a half of use.
First off! I love my Apple TVs (even the 3rd Gen I got as a gift a few years ago) my family uses the one in our Living room all the time for watching shows, AirPlaying stuff we want to share with each other from our phones, etc. Every now and then, we even play games on them. First recommendation: get a case for your remote! Especially if it's going to be used by everyone in the house. Our remote is cracked, and while it still works fine, it makes me cringe every time I use it. Apple TV works best with Apple devices, but you still get a lot of great features if you don't have any Apple devices. However, some of the things I love about my Apple TV goes away if I don't have anything Apple. For example: Sometimes being a geek is awesome. You walk into a room, see a problem, fix it, and walk out. Meanwhile, everyone is cheering for you. Those times are great. Other times, it is a challenge.
People don't like talking geek all of the time. And I crave it! My favorite thing is to talk about all of my passions with people that share them. Granted, I can get passionate about a lot of things, but I just wanna "geek out" sometimes with someone. However, when I try to do this (even just a little) I am often greeted with blank stares and polite nods.... I once stated something, in church of all places, and the response I got from a handful of people was that I was wrong. The point I made was that being a geek isn't a bad thing anymore. What I meant to say is that what it means to be a geek is not the same as it used to be. Sure, in High School being a "geek" is still somewhat derogatory, but it's the geeks that are making it big in our world. Without us Geeks many of life's problems wouldn't get fixed. There are a few definitions of Geek. One is a socially awkward person (sometimes mostly fashion inept). The most common definition these days is a knowledgeable and obsessive enthusiast. I am proud to be a geek. I speak Geek. I'm hoping to get things going with this blog. I'm not a prolific writer, but I want my blog to make a difference. However, I don't know how to do that, so I'll start by writing what matters to me. So let's start with that.
There are lots of things that matter to me and so to put everything into a category is difficult, so why bother. I am fairly certain though that who I am will result in lots of Geeky posts, but I might surprise you. And hey! If I bore you to death, I guess I can't please everyone. So far, it seems, I have been great about blogging about blogging, or my lack of it. I will try to do better. |
AuthorHello World! My name is Adam Hinton. I am a father, a geek, a Computer Science teacher at a Charter School in Utah, and a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Categories
October 2018